15 January 2025

Veganuary – Jackfruit

The next product we are sharing as part of Veganuary this month is Jackfruit.

Jackfruit is a great meat alternative due to its texture as it becomes chewy and stringy when cooked which makes it look like meat.

It also offers lots of benefits like a good fibre content, magnesium, potassium and antioxidants. The only downside to Jackfruit is its low protein content.

It is easiest to buy Jackfruit prepared and ready to use and we can offer it in 2.5kg pouches in cases of 6 and we have it in stock ready to ship.

Some recipe ideas for Jackfruit include –

  • Pulled BBQ Jackfruit and you could serve this in bread rolls or chips.
  • Jackfruit Burgers
  • Jackfruit Tacos
  • Jackfruit Bolognese
  • Jackfruit Curry

For more information on our Jackfruit along with pricing, specifications and samples please email enquiries@kiril-mischeff.com

Vegan,bbq.,pulled,jack Fruit,in,barbecue,sauce,with,baked,fries.

Product Jackfruit